Thursday, June 11, 2020

More Mego Madness! Custom Action Figures and Packaging! DC! Marvel!

Back again with more images of my many past superhero action figure customizations! Click images below to enlarge!

Above: It's the classic Spidey foe, the Shocker! Made from a re-casting of a Mego
"Spider-Man"  head, with home-made costume and accessories! 

Above: Another Spidey foe, Doc Ock! Made using a re-casting of
a Mego "Hulk" head, with custom costume and packaging!

Above: Black Bolt! Made using a re-cast of a Mego "Captain
America" head, with a home-made costume!

Above: Daredevil! Created using another re-casting of a Mego "Captain
America" head sculpt, with a custom costume, including re-painted
"Mr. Fantastic" gloves and boots!

Above: The smaller superhero set! It's Hawkeye, Ant-Man, and Yellowjacket!
Made using available Toy Biz figures of the day (mid-90s), and a SECRET WARS
figure (for Ant-Man), these were fun to create, using found objects, accessories
made from Bristol board, and lots of patience!

Above: More fun customizing existing figures! This time it's the 
Vision (made from a "Silver Surfer" figure), Giant Man
(using a large-scale "Captain America" figure), and 

Bucky (using a SECRET WARS "Captain America" body, and a 
Kenner "Robin" head)! Added home-made capes , belts, and 
accessories created fun figures not available then!

Above: Let's turn to the DC heroes! Here are Reverse-Flash (using a 
Kenner "Flash" figure), Kid Flash (making use of a "Riker" 
STAR TREK figure), Aqualad (using same), and the Atom (from a "Flash" figure)! 
Lots of creative painting, sanding, accessorizing, and fun!

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