Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Spider-Man 2021 Action Figure! The Making of a Custom Card! Marvel!

 The kooky Kenner folks have produced a new (as of 2021) line of Marvel action figures, complete with colorful 70s-themed artwork! I got the idea to design new cards for certain figures in the line, but featuring my own cosplay images! First up: Spider-Man! Click below to follow along, and enlarge images!

Above: The actual card and figure, as 
seen on store shelves!

Above: My custom card, using images of myself as
Spider-Man (seen here)! Created in Photoshop, with extra graphics
and elements added!

Above: The card, with figure added!

Above: The Spidey figure also needed custom touches, such
as work on his eyes, and a deeper blue suit motif!