Monday, September 9, 2013

1940s "Golden Age" Batman! Custom Mego Action Figure! DC Comics!

Here it is! My latest and greatest Mego-style custom action figure! Here is the "Golden Age" 1940s version of Batman, as he appeared not only in DC comics, but also in two live-action movie serials of the day! Click below to enlarge each image!

Above: My inspiration for this custom figure,
the 1940s BATMAN movie serials..

Above: The custom-sculpted Batman head,
acquired from an eBay auction....

Above: The painted and detailed head! I used acrylics,
as well as ink and light and dark spray enamels ...

Above: The figure begins to come together! I wanted to use an authentic
70s Mego Batman gray bodysuit, to get that  somewhat "baggy" feel.
Custom boots, belt, and shorts from "Dr. Mego" help complete the look...

Above: The completed figure! I used several loose
action figure "weapon" parts to create a futuristic
rifle (seen brandished by our hero in the movie
serials at times)...

Above: I created Batman's chest emblem in Photoshop,
printed on adhesive paper, then cut out and applied...

Above: Batman's cape was made from party napkins! I wanted to use
material that would look somewhat rumpled and rough, and would allow
me to "pose" it on and around the figure!

Above: Batman's glove cuffs were made using stiff bristol board, then
covered in the same napkin material as his cape...I used the same deep
blue spray enamel for all blue costume portions, cape included...

Above: While not exactly matching the look of the "serial costume," I wanted
to achieve the feel of an "early Batman," one who used ready materials to quickly
assemble his garb and battle gear!

1 comment:

  1. I have some of mine here if you are interested:
    Golden Age and lesser-known characters are a favorite of mine!
