Friday, September 7, 2012

The Return of TIRE MAN! Don Bigley! 1982 Albert Bigley Artwork!

Another published strip created by me in 1982 (age 17) for my Dad's then-business, BIGLEY TIRE! Re-imaginging my Dad as a stern superhero who helps truckers and farm-workers with tire troubles, "Tire Man" flies into comedic action, mostly inspired by my acquiring back issues of NOT BRAND ECHH! and other humor comics! Yes, this quickly-produced strip actually ran in the LAURINBURG EXCHANGE newspaper, horrifying hundreds of regular readers of that 3-times-a-week publication! Looking at this piece now, it's clear that my Dad (who passed away on August 2nd, 2012) was certainly full of support (and patience) when it came to my burgeoning art skills and interests. Thank, Dad! Click to enlarge!

Below: Actual early-80s BIGLEY TIRE newspaper ads!

Below: Don Bigley himself, circa 1986!

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